Song Name

Artist Name(s)

Songwriter Name(s)

Producer Name(s)

Contact Name

Contact E-mail

Contact Number

Location (Enter City, State, Country, etc.)

Are you submitting this song to be evaluated as an artist, producer, or songwriter? Check all that apply:

Song Genre (Please select one.)

Keywords (Separate with a comma.)

Select the name of the Para professional who referred you. If no one from Para referred you, select "Other".

Add Music (One Song, MP3 File Only)

Do you have a hit?

Do you possess hits? We need them. What is a hit? A "hit" as defined by Para Music Group is a song that moves the masses emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We are currently searching for hits to be released worldwide. We accept unsolicited material in all genres of music.


Please complete the form on this page. At the end of the form, please upload (1) one complete song (i.e. with vocals). To submit additional songs, you must complete a separate form. After submitting the song, you will be routed to a confirmation page. If any song captures our attention, a member of our Executive A&R Team will be directly in touch with you.
Please do not e-mail music to us. All e-mails will be deleted.